The “cheap and cheerful” cost cutting train has left the station and it is not coming back anytime soon. I firmly believe that companies and organizations that think an outsource provider can provide easy cost cutting measures are standing at the wrong train platform....
Are you focused on the outcome of what you are buying or on the process of buying it? I think that most people in your shoes would say “both”. From my point of view, the answer is clearly the process. People in sourcing and procurement are very concerned with...
v For example, a food manufacturer unlocked value by partnering with their trucking vendor to mitigate the risk of fluctuating fuel costs. The companies agreed that the cost of fuel would be passed through to the company. At first that seems like a risky decision, but...
Some outsourcing contracts actually ensure poor performance. It’s true! Service levels are too high, penalties drive over-performance in one area at the expense of others, and governance structures look pretty on paper but create zero accountability. Couple these...
Businesses often wonder how they can improve their strategic relationships. They ask, “Do I dive straight into the ‘deal’ terms to hammer out problematic clauses or do you take a different approach?” If you want to deliver an enduring relationship that will deliver...