Have you gotten a call like this before? “Hi, Susan. I sent over the contract. Did you get it? And, my boss told me that he wants a couple of more people trained on your system that were not included in the contract. This won’t be a problem will it? Call me.” Susan...
This economy is separating the weak from the strong, even when it comes to negotiating business related deals. In the boom years, many average sales people looked like stellar sales people and didn’t have to negotiate much. All that has changed. It is becoming more...
Follow these four steps to a winning counter proposal! Step One: Restate their words exactly as they said them It seems to me that you are saying . . . What I hear is . . . . Step Two: Ask clarifying questions What is your greatest concern here today? What bothers you...
Seven business men and women gathered recently in Seattle over an early morning breakfast to discuss negotiation best practices. Over the course of two hours they discussed a wide variety of negotiations that they had been a part of over the years. The seven best...
Scientists have statistically proven what many of us have known for a long time. Non-verbal communication (body language and tone of voice) is critical to building trust, and without trust, there is no sale. Researches at MIT’s Media Lab found that body language,...