If you could grant yourself one wish that would help you feel more confident at your next negotiation what would you grant yourself? Would you want to know if you are leaving money on the table? Would you want to know what the other person really wants from your...
I thought that I would start by re-establishing my belief that the only way to really address what the other party wants and needs from you, and for you to get what you want and need from the other party is to talk in the language of interests. Interests are your...
Raise your hand if you can handle one more thing on your plate right now. No one can. It seems like everyone spends their time putting out one fire after another. So along comes some so-called expert to tell you that you need to prepare for your upcoming negotiations....
When is the last time that you sat down to think about your goals for an upcoming negotiation? If you are like many others, you have not considered this question beyond thinking about price. There is much more to setting negotiation goals than hitting a certain price...
Cash today is better than the promise of more cash tomorrow. This was my motto as a bankruptcy litigator in Chicago, Illinois representing corporate debtors. I would get outstanding deals for my clients with that one line. In an economic downturn everyone wants the...