Boy am I hopping mad! If you were here with me you would see the steam coming out from my ears! It is 4 pm Sunday afternoon and I was comfortably reading the Sunday New York Times Week in Review when I came across a blurb about Senator McCain chiding the Clinton...
f Step One: Restate their words exactly as they said them It seems to me that you are saying . . . What I hear is . . . . Step Two: Ask clarifying questions What is your greatest concern here today? What bothers you the most about that suggestion? What about that is...
Experts in time management often say that 20% of our customers take up 80% of our time. With just a few customers taking up a disproportionate amount of time, it is essential to learn how to say no, and still keep that conversation going. That’s right, say no....
You open your email account to learn that there is another message from Mr. Big Firm Lawyer representing Super Big Co. You dread opening the email, and in fact open all other emails, even the one from your Mom with pictures of her cat, before you open the one from...
Non-decision makers come in many forms: Real estate agents, executive assistants, and purchasing or buying agents to name just a few. Other non-decision makers might be people who appear to be the decision maker, but it turns out that someone else is actually making...