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How Good Are Your Negotiators at Making Tradeoffs?

How Good Are Your Negotiators at Making Tradeoffs?

Imagine a mid-level manager in the global commodities group got an email from the operations manager from a plant that read something like this: “Bob, I called ABC supplier to see where our XYZ parts are, and they told me that we’ll get them in 3 weeks. They...
The 1 Minute Negotiation Technique

The 1 Minute Negotiation Technique

Okay, I’m coming out. I meditate. I have for years. Besides all the health benefits, I believe that meditation has helped me further develop my ability to really focus. Anyone who has ever talked to me knows that I encourage everyone to take time to really plan for...
Before You Make the First Offer

Before You Make the First Offer

There is a lot of power in making an opening offer. In fact, the opening offer anchors the entire price conversation. Do you want to set the anchor, or allow the other party to set the anchor? You should make a conscience choice. By setting the anchor, you are...
Redefine Your Role Away From Gatekeeper

Redefine Your Role Away From Gatekeeper

80% of Business to Business purchases involve some sort of contract. This fact startled me, even though I am an attorney. More telling, those contracts have become increasingly sophisticated. Contracts typically contain rebate language, chargeback mechanisms, and...
My Negotiation Pet Peeves

My Negotiation Pet Peeves

Here are some of my negotiation pet peeves! Open display of animosity between negotiators   Lack of understanding of what the other side needs Incomplete and/or wrong data Poor follow up on questions, solutions or methods Business as usual responses to questions Hide...
Contract Negotiators Need an Enhanced Skill Set

Contract Negotiators Need an Enhanced Skill Set

Keld Jensen, one of the leading authors on negotiating partnerships said this: “Poor negotiations skills are probably the biggest single cause of major costs and lost opportunities to any organization. And what is more –most companies do not even see it!” The problem,...