It’s time for a new approach and mindset for contract negotiations, time to leave the old me-first, I-win-you-lose strategy far behind, replaced by highly collaborative partnerships. What if the agreement you negotiated was more than just a short-term,...
Social Norms To Do Business By Reciprocity obligates businesspeople to make fair and balanced exchanges. If one company accepts a business risk, the other must be prepared to do the same. If one company commits to invest time and money in an important project, the...
Getting to We is a new approach and mindset for agreement negotiations that leaves the typical I-win-you-lose strategy in the dust, because that way simply no longer works for the long term. And it never worked very well for the short term, either. But if you buy into...
We often hear stories of business relationships that appeared strong suddenly turning sour. These relationships may even have existed for some time. So what is going on? It is likely acts of opportunism. Here’s an example. A client of mine awarded a...
When we talk about the doing the deal, the point is to get the deal done, right? To get to yes in the most advantageous way possible for your company—the deal that best serves your specific interest, at the lowest possible cost. And then you move on to the next deal,...
When is the last time that you sat down to think about your goals for an upcoming negotiation? If you are like many others, you have not considered this question beyond thinking about price. There is much more to setting negotiation goals than hitting a certain price...