Okay, I’m coming out. I meditate. I have for years. Besides all the health benefits, I believe that meditation has helped me further develop my ability to really focus. Anyone who has ever talked to me knows that I encourage everyone to take time to really plan for...
There is a lot of power in making an opening offer. In fact, the opening offer anchors the entire price conversation. Do you want to set the anchor, or allow the other party to set the anchor? You should make a conscience choice. By setting the anchor, you are...
80% of Business to Business purchases involve some sort of contract. This fact startled me, even though I am an attorney. More telling, those contracts have become increasingly sophisticated. Contracts typically contain rebate language, chargeback mechanisms, and...
When is the last time that you sat down to think about your goals for an upcoming negotiation? If you are like many others, you have not considered this question beyond thinking about price. There is much more to setting negotiation goals than hitting a certain price...
Here are some of my negotiation pet peeves! Open display of animosity between negotiators Lack of understanding of what the other side needs Incomplete and/or wrong data Poor follow up on questions, solutions or methods Business as usual responses to questions Hide...