Keld Jensen, one of the leading authors on negotiating partnerships said this: “Poor negotiations skills are probably the biggest single cause of major costs and lost opportunities to any organization. And what is more –most companies do not even see it!” The problem,...
It’s time for a new approach and mindset for contract negotiations—time to leave the me-first, I-win-you-lose strategy and replace it with a highly collaborative approach when structuring partnerships. What if the agreement you negotiated was more than just a...
Traditionally, buying companies seek to limit their risk exposure by diversifying their vendor pool. But if all vendors in an industry face the same challenge to keep costs in check, for example rising wages, it is time to do something differently. The answers lay in...
Q: Getting to We is a book about negotiating, but you say it is more than a traditional negotiation book. How is it different? A: Hundreds of books have been written on negotiation strategies and tactics such as Getting to Yes, Getting Past No, Getting More and even...